
My son starts school again on Thursday.  I’m the early riser of the family, which means I’m in charge of first getting up and at ’em myself, but then getting everybody else in the house up and moving.

We have to meet my son’s ride by 7:10.  Which means we need to be ready to leave the house by 7:00, by which time I have to make breakfast for all three of us (usually cereal or PopTarts), lunch for my son and I, and make sure my son is dressed and his backpack ready.

Which means I have to be ready to get my son up by about 6:15 so he can be dressed, eat breakfast, and brush his hair and teeth without having to rush him along.

Which means, ultimately, I’m back to setting my alarm for 0540 as in “OMG WTF” so I can shower, shave, and get dressed before waking him up without feeling too rushed myself.

In my personal opinion, it SUCKS to either a) get six hours of sleep a night or b) go to bed before 10.

And, as if that’s not enough Dys is sick.  In order to have somebody semi-functional around here for the first chaotic few days of school, I’ve packed myself off to the guest room in the basement and the crappy bed therein.  Where I found myself reading and then watching an episode of “Scrubs” on my son’s portable DVD player before clicking off the light at about 10:30 last night.

Beyond that, the whole changeup has my mind in “gotta be up and moving bright and early!” overdrive because it knows it will have to overpower my body at the moment.  So my fuckin’ brain is snapping wide awake at 5am or before every day here lately, the bastard.

I know I’m a morning person, but damn.