Monday Music

Keep it simple, stupid!

No, today’s song isn’t by KISS (great idea for a later MM, though!).  It’s one of the simplest, and yet coolest, songs I know of.  Go ahead, try not to groove along.

Tom Petty, “You Don’t Know How It Feels”

Pure, straightforward, simple.  Hell, if this song was on Rock Band, the “Expert” difficulty level would still be ridiculously easy.  And yet it kicks ass.

Oh, and from the first time I saw it, the deal with the lady (“lady?”) singing the “got a little space to fill” line made me laugh my butt off.

And once at a party in college someone told me I looked like Tom Petty.  I couldn’t tell if I should have been flattered or insulted.  (To be fair, I was wearing a cowboy hat and was in the midst of growing out my hair…)