Buzz off.

There is a huge fly in my department that keeps buzzing his ass into my office, butting up against my window for a while, then buzzing the hell back out again just before I get up and whack him with a rolled-up TPS report. Little bastard.

Not much to say for today, and I’m going to be tied up all morning if not all day for the next few days in meetings (joy joy). So I’ll leave you with a link to something I’m really geeked up about: the trailer to the Watchmen movie that’s supposed to be coming out next spring, based on the completely kickass graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. [Warning:  The plot summary in the Wikipedia entry is complete, and thus full of SPOILERS.  You’ve been duly warned.]

I’ve been terrified of the fact that a movie’s being made of this because I’ve never been able to fathom how they’d possibly capture all of the nuances of the book – it’s designed for you to keep noticing little symmetries and parallels and allegories after repeated readings – but I have to admit, this thing looks awesome. I’m amazed at how well they captured so many of the images from the comic panel-for-panel, but I suppose with the director’s success with 300 I shouldn’t be so shocked. Anyway, enough geeking for now.

Y’all be good, mock me while I’m unable to retaliate, and I’ll catch ya on the flip side.